Celebrating OSU's distinguished professors

professor teaching in spotlight

俄勒冈州 State University has named 托德年代. 帕尔默Małgorzata Peszyńska 作为它的 2024 Distinguished Professors这是大学可以授予教员的最高学术荣誉.

帕尔默和Peszyńska的研究都得到了国际上的认可. 帕尔默是核反应堆物理学和辐射传输和扩散计算方法方面的专家. Peszyńska是复杂过程的数学和计算建模的领导者.

自1988年以来, 澳门威尼斯人娱乐场授予在国内和国际学术领域做出杰出贡献的教师大学杰出教授称号, research 和 creative work, teaching 和 mentoring, public engagement 和 service.

Distinguished Professor Lectures — Wednesday, May 8

帕尔默和Peszyńska将于5月8日星期三在纪念联盟地平线厅进行讲座. Peszyńska will present at 1:30 p.m. 和 帕尔默 will present at 3:30 p.m. A reception for both will take place at 5 p.m. 鼓励提前注册和亲自出席,所有讲座将 转播画面.

托德年代. 帕尔默

Distinguished Professor of Nuclear 科学 和 工程
College of 工程

Todd 帕尔默, st和ing in a grey suit in front of trees

What originally drew you to your field of study?

Throughout elementary, middle 和 high school I was always drawn to math, computer programming 和 science, but I also had an interest in literature 和 music. I had this great physics teacher in my senior year, 他翻到了教科书的后面,那里介绍了核反应和核能. 我记得我当时想:“哦,太酷了,我也许可以靠这个谋生。!” The rest is history.

What keeps you motivated at this stage in your career?

我的动力来自于持续稳定的有趣技术问题的组合, 有帮助社会应对国家和能源安全挑战的个人责任感, 和 a desire to give back to future generations. I’ve been very fortunate in my life, 和 I want to pay it forward.


I am a nuclear engineer by degree, 但我认为自己是一个研究核能的计算物理学家, 国家安全和其他与辐射有关的工业技术用途. It may appear that this is a very narrow or niche field, 但是核工程师是高度跨学科的,他们的技能和知识使我们能够灵活地解决各种各样的技术和社会问题.

What have you learned from your work that surprised you?

在教学, 我惊讶地发现,从各种不同的角度来呈现技术主题是多么重要. 在研究, the degree of difficulty involved in, 和 satisfaction that can be achieved from, 一个成功的跨学科合作项目是我没有预料到的. And I discovered that I enjoy working on systemic, 全校范围内的挑战,努力为未来的学生创造更好的环境, faculty 和 staff.

What does the title “distinguished professor” mean to you?

当我得知我将获得这个头衔时,我非常震惊. 我在澳门威尼斯人娱乐场的学术之家很小,我认为我是相当不显眼的. 这种认可——以及被澳门威尼斯人娱乐场的同事和管理层真正看到——对我来说非常特别. And though it takes the form of individual recognition, 它被认为是许多人辛勤工作和奉献的产物-家庭, 学生, mentors 和 colleagues.  

Questions just for fun:

When did you arrive at 俄勒冈州 State? 从哪里?

1983年,我第一次来到这里,当时我是一个聪明的高中毕业生,准备学习工程学, after finishing school in Nebraska. My family moved to Omaha early in my junior year from Hillsboro, 俄勒冈州, 和 I really wanted to get back home to 俄勒冈州. Later, after finishing my Ph.D. 1993年在密歇根大学任教,并在加州的劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室工作了几年, I joined the faculty in January 1995.

What’s your favorite place on campus to eat or grab a coffee?

Coffee is h和’s down Interzone. Pair a “2x2” with one of their homemade muffins 和 it’s just paradise. 我是松鼠午餐的超级粉丝:汉堡或炸鸡配薯条或沙拉是我的最爱. 我也对bomb Away Cafe情有独钟,但这是另一个故事了……

What are some of your hobbies?

I am a guitar player, 和 a lover of progressive rock, 爵士乐融合, classic rock 和 old school metal. I play a little, a couple times a week. 我喜欢澳门威尼斯人娱乐场——参加澳门威尼斯人娱乐场,关注大学(海狸队和狼獾队)和一些职业球队. My Texas Rangers won the World Series this last year! Our family travels a bit for vacations, 和 with a 10- 和 12-year old, there are many after-school activities for the kids.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

While I have been to several different countries in Europe, Irel和 is at the top of my remaining bucket list. The idea that you can walk around from pub to pub, enjoying the countryside, meeting people 和 soaking in all the music sounds great. 我也没去过斯堪的纳维亚半岛,不过我有一种感觉,我也会很喜欢那里.


I started my career at a U.S. national laboratory, 和 I really enjoyed it. The national security problems are technically very challenging, 和 the work is exceptionally rewarding. It was a tough decision to leave LLNL when I did, 主要是因为我觉得自己还没有“完全成熟”,没有准备好管理自己的研究小组. No regrets now, but it was stressful getting started. 

Małgorzata Peszyńska

Distinguished Professor of Mathematics
College of 科学

Malgorzata Peszynska微笑着穿着一件混合了蓝绿色和棕褐色的彩色衬衫

What originally drew you to your field of study?

我的研究领域可以定义为具有跨学科应用的计算数学. 在我上小学的时候,我不记得是数学先找到了我,还是我找到了它. Regarding computations, I started coding in high-school. Back then it was not the norm, 但我立刻喜欢上了它的结构,以及它带来的无限可能. Regarding the applications, I got immersed in these during my Ph.D. years 和 never let go.  

What keeps you motivated at this stage in your career?

Definitely the 学生, one at a time. 同样, 有机会通过创造解释世界的数学和计算工具来做出改变. And even more equally, the many collaborators 和 colleagues.


Computational mathematics is better than video games, because you can create simulations that are more stimulating! 你也可以学习和创造理论来解释如何实现它, 和 go to sleep 和 wake-up completely obsessing about these.

What have you learned from your work that surprised you?

每一个理论——无论多么深刻和广泛——都是建立在某种计算或愿景的基础上的. And that you can lead anyone to that discovery. +, 一部用计算数学工具模拟真实世界制作的电影胜过千言万语.

What does the title “distinguished professor” mean to you?

这是一种荣誉,一种结束的感觉,这个头衔让我有理由感到骄傲和感激. I feel really lucky that I must have done enough to be so appreciated. 我也有一种责任,站在巨人的肩膀上,看得越来越远,这样我就能继续尽可能有效地把它传递下去.

Questions just for fun:

When did you arrive at 俄勒冈州 State? 从哪里?

2003年,我从德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin)来到澳门威尼斯人娱乐场,之前我在普渡大学(Purdue University)经历了一段曲折的旅程, University of Augsburg (Germany), Polish Academy of 科学s, 从一所以18世纪华沙科学家斯坦尼斯拉夫·斯塔西奇命名的数学高中一直到华沙理工大学, 波兰.

What’s your favorite place on campus to eat or grab a coffee?

绝对是山谷图书馆咖啡馆:有那么多谈话,那么多杯咖啡. Tarntip Thai与Bombs Away Cafe争夺美食, 和 memories of great people.

What are some of your hobbies?

Enjoying the great outdoors with family 和 friends: sailing, 滑雪, 攀岩, mountain hiking 和 biking, camping 和 growing stuff in 俄勒冈州, playing guitar 和 singing folk, 和 curling with a lap cat to watch a movie, 或阅读, 读, 读 (cat included).

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

北极的永久冻土区或斯瓦尔巴群岛的甲烷观测站是我的梦想, but I worry about the carbon footprint. 


I would have probably continued being a sailing, 滑雪 和 swimming instructor, while coding to support my lifestyle. 反之亦然.